We have partnered with Stratus Legal Solutions (SLSCavityClaims) to ensure that the process of making a claim is quick and simple.
Stratus Legal Solutions process all initial client enquiries on behalf of Roscoe Reid for all Cavity Wall Claims.
We have partnered with Stratus Legal Solutions (SLSCavityClaims) to ensure that the process of making a claim is quick and simple.
Stratus Legal Solutions process all initial client enquiries on behalf of Roscoe Reid for all Cavity Wall Claims.
Ideally you need to claim within six years of the Cavity Wall Insulation being installed. If the installation was earlier than that then we will need to know when you first had problems and what action if any, you took when you became aware of those problems.
These include:
Have you or anyone who lives in your home become ill as a result of damp due to defective cavity insulation? If so, you or they may be able to claim compensation for “personal injury”.
Mould and damp can cause or aggravate chest related problems such as asthma, breathing trouble and bronchitis. Researchers for the European Respiratory Journal say that damp and mould can cause asthma as well as trigger attacks. The World Health Organisation has concluded that damp and mould in buildings can be associated with the development of asthma, aggravate existing asthma and eczema, as well as increasing various respiratory symptoms such as wheezing and coughing.
You will need to discuss any issues relating to your potential personal injury claim with one of our lawyers.
Our dedicated team is led by very experienced and top-rated litigation lawyers and supported by a team of excellent claims advisers.
Over the years, our lawyers have settled thousands of equal pay claims worth many millions, drawing on years of experience representing clients in high value and complex disputes. We know how to negotiate hard to achieve the best outcomes for our clients.
Address: Roscoe Reid
Aspen House
Central Boulevard
Blythe Valley Park
B90 8AJ
D: 0333 344 5324
E: contact@slscavityclaims.co.uk